Founder Member/Directors

Ms. L G Sujatha
A lawyer who is interested in social justice and promotion of arts, traditional systems of medicine and working on environmental issues. Ms. Sujatha has been working for preservation of medicinal plants, conducting plantation drives, promoting the fields of alternative/complementary systems of medicine like Acupressure, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Music and Sound therapy, Meditation, etc. and conducting workshops to promote and spread awareness in these fields. She has been trained in Indian Classical music and Acupressure and is interested in promotion of the ancient traditional music and art forms and systems like Kalari and Marma therapy.
Mr. Gurmit Singh Sohal
Having served in the Indian Army, Mr. Sohal has been working on medicines and pharmaceuticals, promotion of Ayurveda and nutraceuticals, protection of the environment and interested in serving the humanity by promoting causes related to justice. He has been involved with conducting medical health camps, preserving traditional treatment methods, conducting tree plantation drives, taking up cases relating to human rights and social justice, etc.

Program Team

Dr. Shivnath Mishra
Dr. Mishra also known as “Paed Baba” is a lover of nature and trees and has been involved in several plantation programs across the country. He has been instrumental in preserving many species of plants that are nearing extinction. He has been practicing and advocating Naturopathy and working with several NGos across the country for preservation of nature, women empowerment programs, girl child education programs, etc. He has a very profound knowledge of plant varieties and protection of bio-diversity and has been travelling across the country to save rivers, extinct animal species and the environment in general.
Mr. Debu Bhattacharya
Shri Debu Bhattacharya is one such persona whose prodigious contribution in the field of music is commendable. With his phenomenal knowledge in music, he has made uncountable programs possible. Be it reaching out to the destitute, training students, creating an enhanced aura of entertainment or lending a helping hand to the victims of circumstances with his music, Shri Debu Bhattacahrjee ( has a splendid account of musical journey. Prakrti Sparsh Foundation feels honored to have such a renowned personality as a Senior Counsellor (Art and Culture) and to be an indispensable part of the organization with the aspiration of counting innumerable successful programs under his able guidance.